As a mom, you know more than anyone how hard it can be to have some “me” time. Making yourself a priority can seem like just another task that has to be completed. You have to arrange your schedule to make time for yourself. You have to arrange child care, whether it’s your partner or a sitter. You have to schedule an appointment or reservation. You have to shave your legs…

But it doesn’t have to be that complicated, I promise. Making yourself a priority is something you need to do most days of the week and it shouldn’t feel like a task. You can keep it simple, easy and enjoyable.

Here are 4 easy ways to make yourself a priority this week:

  • Start by writing down all of the things you enjoy doing (even before kids): Think about all of the activities you miss doing or have been wanting to do. Nothing is too big or too small on this list. This list is going to look different for each person. This is your opportunity to reconnect with yourself and all of the things that contribute to who you are.
  • Create a small short routine to get started. Your routine should last 5-10 minutes to begin and should be enjoyable. Pick an item from your list as part of your routine. Maybe you plan for it in the morning or at night, just make sure you schedule it into your day. We can all carve out an extra 10 minuted from our day on the front or back end. (The quickest way to do this is put down your phone. We all waste well over 10 minutes a day on social media.) Remember to keep your routine simple and enjoyable. An example of my nightly routine is after showering or washing my face, I read and pray. I love to enjoy the Bible or a good novel before I go to sleep. Then I take a minute to be thankful for my family and my day. It calms my mind and my soul, so I sleep with good thoughts and gratitude.
  • Recognize what keeps you from making time for yourself. This list can get long, especially as a mother, so focus on your main obstacles. Then start coming up with possible solutions. Reach out to another mom to help with this process. It’s easy to get “lost in the weeds” so enlist someone to help you navigate to a solution. It’s always easier to help someone else come up with ideas, so let someone else help you. Motherhood is not a journey to be on alone. We are all in this together. (A great resource available to you is the SIMPLIFY Wellness Facebook group where like minded mamas inspire and support each other.)
  • Flip your thinking. Taking care of yourself is not selfish. Taking time to nourish and rejuvenate your mind and body is not selfish. It’s important! You grind and care for everyone else. Why can’t you do that for you? Here’s the thing… YOU CAN! Stop telling yourself “no”. You deserve so much more. You are worth so much more.

Get your FREE worksheet to start making yourself a priority today.

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Today is the day that you decide to make yourself a priority.

You are the only person who can do this.

Set an example for your children, so they learn that they are deserving and worthy to care for themselves. It’s so important that your children see their mother love herself enough to take time for her needs.

You are a priority. Now the world knows it too!


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